Learn more about creating inclusive learning environment

Site: ECML - Moodle | Community
Course: Virtual Open Course (VOC): Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education
Book: Learn more about creating inclusive learning environment
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Wednesday, 6 November 2024, 12:12 PM


How to create an inclusive environment

Table of contents

1.B. Explore it!

You can further explore strategies and ideas concerning creating inclusive environments for newcomer/migrant students in the following:

1. The link below will take you to Elizabeth Coelho’s home web page entitled, Multilingual Classrooms. Her webpage features information about her books and articles for teachers as well as some of her recent talks, workshops and other professional activities.  Many of the videos included on the website contain information addressed in Coelho’s recent book entitled, Language and Learning in Multilingual Classrooms published in 2012 by Multilingual Matters.

2. Many Roots, Many Voices is a resource developed by the Ministry of Education of Ontario, Canada designed to support teachers, principals, and other education professionals in working  effectively with English language learners. Pages 36-44 address ways to create an inclusive learning environment that supports the success of every student  In Many Roots, Many Voices you will find a rich source of practices and strategies that can be put to immediate use in the school and the classroom.  You will also find an in-depth exploration of the English language learner, and an annotated list of references and resources for further reading and study.

This prezi presentation created by Amy Tremblay (2013) provides an overview of the Ministry of Education (Ontario, Canada) document Many Roots, Many Voices Supporting English Language Learners in Every Classroom, 2005.  View Tips for the Whole School and Make Connections: Parents and Community to explore tips and strategies to welcome and support migrant students and their  parents.

3. Supporting English Language Learners in Kindergarten and Supporting English Language Learners - A practical guide for Ontario educators, Grades 1-8.

This on-line resource provides a rich source of exemplary teaching practices that can be put to immediate use in the classroom and school. It also exemplifies best practices of schools welcoming newcomers, and working effectively with community partners and families.

This link will take you to the website’s home page. The resource contains a series of 10 video segments with accompanying print resources. The print resources facilitate note-taking, inquiry, reflection and planning before, during and after viewing.  There is a Viewer’s Guide included which provides complete instructions on how to use the print and video resources.

The video segments in this on-line resource are as follows:

Segment 1: Understanding English Language Learners (ELL)

Who are English Language Learners? What are their challenges?  What can schools do to support their learning?

Segment 2: Building a Whole School Approach

How can schools build a whole school approach to welcome and support ELLs?
What can schools do to engage students and parents in the school community?

Segment 3: Closing the Learning Gap

Which learning strategies benefit not just ELLs but all students?  What are the advantages of co-teaching and small group instruction?

Segment 4: Learning Through the Curriculum

How can teachers make the most of a student's first language skills in classroom experiences?  Which instructional supports help ELLs acquire English while meeting the demands of the curriculum?

Segment 5: Talking about Language Acquisition and Learning

Why is early exposure to reading and storytelling so important for ELLs?  What are the benefits of direct teaching of word knowledge and how language works? Listen to experts Elizabeth Coelho and Jim Cummins discuss the role of first language(s) and the concept of "universal design."

Segment 6: Finding Starting Points to Enable Learning

How do initial assessment practices impact learning?  How do you establish an effective learning environment not only for ELLs, but also for all students?  Why are multiple opportunities to talk and process thinking so important for ELLs?

Segment 7: Adapting the Classroom Program for ELLs

What modifications and accommodations allow ELL students, even at beginning levels of English proficiency, to participate successfully in the classroom and acquire understanding in content areas?

Segment 8: Differentiating Instruction for ELLs

How is differentiated instruction beneficial for ELLs?  What instructional strategies are especially powerful?

Segment 9: Aligning the Work

Why does the whole school community need to support ELLs?  Listen to system leaders discuss alignment (school/district/province) to support ELLs in Ontario schools.

Segment 10: Concluding Thoughts

Synthesis of key ideas presented in the video

Continue your learning journey by clicking on the following link.