Dialogical Literary Gathering

5.1. What are Dialogical Literary Gatherings?

Dialogical literary gatherings are one of the successful actions in inclusive schools developed in the so called Learning Communities. They involve a process of collective and dialogic reading and interpretation of texts in a context where all participants are invited to provide arguments based on validity criteria and not on power claims (CONFAPEA).

Dialogical literary gatherings are based on the dialogic learning approach that comprises the principles of (Aubert, Flecha, García, Flecha, & Racionero 2008):

  • Egalitarian dialogue: different contributions are considered and accepted on the basis of the validity of the arguments and not on hierarchical power.
  • Cultural intelligence: all people have knowledge, abilities and experiences acquired throughout life that allow them to interpret and evaluate the literary work that is being disscussed. The egalitarian dialogue allows to value the cultural intelligence of everyone, through respect for diversity of opinion.
  • Transformation: learning focuses on the personal and social change from a positive view of human beings. The participants change the concept of themselves as well as their relationships with people around them.
  • Instrumental dimension: what is learned must be helpful for accessing culture and foster autonomy and self-training.
  • Creation of meaning: promote meaningful learning in interaction with others.
  • Solidarity: dialogical literary gatherings are open to everyone regardless of the economic or cultural background. Equal relationships are those that generate more supportive relationships that imply respect, trust and solidarity.
  • Equality of differences: dialogical literary gathering respect the right of everyone to be different. We are all different and this makes us equal.            

In dialogical literary gatherings it is not intended to discover and analyze what the author meant in his or her text, but to encourage dialogue and reflection from the different interpretations that can arise from the reading of a classic of world literature.