5.3. How to organize a Dialogical Literary Gathering

The following steps are needed to organize a dialogical literary gathering:

1) Establish the frequency of meetings: weekly, fortnightly or even monthly.

2) Choose a classic book of world literature and determine the number of pages to be read for the next meeting. In the case of young students adaptation of classics can be recommended.

3) Each person will read the agreed portion at home and will identify and underline those paragraphs, sentences or expressions that have drawn her or his attention. If books are not of property, notes will be taken on a separate pieces paper. In literary gatherings with young students, the assigned portion can be read in the classroom as a big group.

4) At the meeting, each person will read the sunderlined paraghaph and explain why he or she selected it, indicating agreement, disagreement, and establishing connections with her or his own experiencies and previous knowledge.

5) One of the attendees will assume the role of moderator. He or she will have the reponsibility to control speaking time and take notes of the ideas that arise during the discussion that will be read at the end of the meeting.

6) A new reading portion is assigned for the next day.