Friday, 19 April 2024, 5:52 PM
Site: ECML - Moodle | Community
Course: Virtual Open Course (VOC): Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education (Collaborative-Community)
Glossary: Glossary

Identity texts

The products of children, creative works or performances, carried out within the pedagogical space orchestrated by the classroom teacher and which can be shared with a wide audience. Identity texts seem to hold up “a mirror to students in which their identities are reflected” in a positive way (Cummins & Early 2011: 3)

Cummins, J. & Early, M. (2011) Introduction. In: J. Cummins & M. Early (ed.), Identity TEXTS, the Collaborative Creation of Power in Multilingual Schools. UK & Sterling: Threntham Books.

Interactive Groups

Research has identified Interactive Groups as a very successful form of inclusion. In Interactive Groups classrooms are organized in small and mixed-ability groups of students who collaborate through dialogic interactions to solve learning activities. There are adults in each small group. These adults are most of the time volunteers from the community. The classroom teacher is in charge of managing the classroom dynamics and provides extra support when necessary. Interactive Groups improve academic achievement and solidarity among students (INCLUD-ED 2009, p. 67)

- INCLUD-ED. (2009). Actions for success in schools in Europe. European Comission Web 24 May 2014.

Intercultural education

Intercultural education emerges in response to major social issues, (demographic changes, mass migration, population movement due to war, political persecution, corruption or famine, integration of large groups of economic migrants and the subsequent realignments in the economic, social and cultural life). If these issues are not treated promptly and effectively they may lead to future problematic and intractable situations in modern societies. Intercultural Education aims to go beyond passive coexistence, to achieve a developing and sustainable way of living together in multicultural societies through the foundation of understanding of, respect for and dialogue between the different cultural groups (PEAP e-book: Intercultural activities).

It is about interaction, understanding and mutual respect, while cultural diversity is acknowledged and actively supported.

It means inclusion for all cultures by theory, design, planning and practice