3.B. Approfondir le sujet!

Vous pourrez en apprendre davantage sur l’APP dans les ressources suivantes:

Dolmans, D. H., Wolfhagen, I. H., Van Der Vleuten, C. P. & Wijnen, W. H. 2001. Solving problems with group work in problem‐based learning: hold on to the philosophy. Medical education, 35, 884-889.

Duch, B. J., Allen, D. E. & White, H. B. 1998. Problem-based learning: Preparing students to succeed in the 21st century. Teaching Matters, 3.

Hmelo-Silver, C. E. 2004. Problem-based learning: What and how do students learn? Educational Psychology Review, 16, 235-266.

Savery, J. R. 2006. Overview of problem-based learning: Definitions and distinctions. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 1, 3.

Savery, J. R. & Duffy, T. M. 2001. Problem-based learning: An instructional model and its constructivist framework. Technical Report No. 16-01, Centre for Research on Learning Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA.

Williams, B. 2001. Developing critical reflection for professional practice through problem-based learning. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34, 27-34.

Les articles suivant expliquent de façon plus détaillée la mise en œuvre de cette approche novatrice dans le cadre de la formation des enseignants:

Young, A. & Mary, L. (2010) "Une formation des professeurs des écoles en phase avec le 21ème siècle", pp.349-363 in Mangiante, J-M. (ed.), Langue et Intégration, Frankfurt, Peter Lang.